Post-graduate fellowship placements

Employment Opportunities

Filter Fellowship and Volunteer Attorney Placements Results

The "Location" filter will allow you to find jobs by office location. Please note that filtering by location will also include any jobs that are available statewide.

Bureau: StatewideLocation: See Posting, NYDeadline: Ref No.: AG_FELLOWSHIP_PROGRAM_2025-27

How to Apply

  • Submit applications online unless otherwise indicated in the posting.
  • From the list below, click on the position title or “View/Download Application” to see the full job posting.
  • Review the posting to find out more about job duties and qualifications.
  • Application instructions are in the "How to Apply" section of the posting.
  • Use the link provided in the posting to submit your application online.
  • Provide the required information and documents, then click "Submit."
  • You will receive an email receipt for each application you submit.
  • Each application you submit for a job is reviewed independently.
  • Bureaus contact applicants directly to schedule interviews.

Learn more about the AG Fellowship Program

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