Charities & Nonprofits
Charities annual filing (CHAR500)
All charities that have a December 31 fiscal year end must file their 2022 annual reports (CHAR500) with the Office of the New York State Attorney General by November 15, 2023
Online filing is required. Follow our easy step-by-step instructions.
Charities registry search
Use this to search for an organization registered with the Office of the New York State Attorney General. Some organizations, such as religious organizations, are exempt from registering, and may not appear in the registry.
Financial reports that a charity has submitted in the last five years are available in the registry once they have been reviewed. If you need older reports, please submit a FOIL request.
Charities transactions search
Here you will be able to search transactions approved by the Office of the New York State Attorney General including plans of dissolution (Dissolution) and sales and dispositions of assets (NPCL 510/511).
Pennies for charities search
Use this to search for reports based on financial reports filed with the Office of the New York State Attorney General by professional fundraisers who conduct fundraising campaigns.