Triple C awards

Education & Students

A message for schools about the Attorney General's Triple C Awards program:

Attorney General Letitia James is pleased to continue the Triple C Awards program to acknowledge the commitment, character, and courage of New York State’s most exceptional young people. Whether succeeding in academic pursuits, participating in community service, displaying leadership skills, or overcoming personal obstacles; these students provide us with hope for a brighter future. The Attorney General is honored to have the opportunity to recognize New York’s students this year for their achievements.

Our office emailed schools information about accessing the online nomination portal in February and will be following-up with email reminders periodically until the end of the school year. If your school has not received this letter, would like more information about the program, or would like the nomination link emailed to them, please contact us or call our Triple C line at (518) 776-2355.

Nomination form

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