Victims' rights and resources
Policing Issues
The Office of the New York State Attorney General is committed to protecting the rights of victims of crime and abuse. Through the Bureaus of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs, the Office works with each bureau to:
- educate citizens about their rights
- develop policy and legislation
- provide crime-prevention programs
- connect citizens with community resources
- work with other agencies and victims service providers statewide to ensure that our work is informed by the concerns of crime victims
If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911.

Crime victims' bill of rights
Learn about victims' rights, including victims' right to know, victim involvement, making victims whole, protection for crime victims, and help for victims.

Victims of domestic violence
Describes the New York State laws protecting victims of domestic violence, particularly in housing and employment.
Key victim-oriented state statutes
Over several decades, New York has enacted significant statutes focused around victims' rights and experiences. From the right to file victim-impact statements and speak at sentencing, to the right to obtain compensation and seek restitution for financial losses resulting from identity theft, these protections are testaments to the efforts and leadership of activists and survivors.
We provide the summary below to give survivors of crime and others with a basic understanding or foundation of the law. This is not an exhaustive listing. Please consult the statutory text and counsel for additional information and references.
Summary of victim-oriented state statutes (printable version)