Attorney General James And Coalition Files Brief In Census Case Challenging Trump Administration's Attempt To Add Citizenship Question To The 2020 Census
NEW YORK - Today, Attorney General Letitia James, leading a coalition of 18 states, 16 local governments, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors filed a merits brief in the United States Supreme Court in the case challenging the Trump Administration’s attempt to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census. Attorney General James released the following statement:
“The federal government is legally required to perform an accurate count of the people in this country every ten years. The thoroughness and accuracy of this count is paramount: it determines the allocation of Congressional seats and federal funding for localities and municipalities. Any deviation in this count – especially one that affects some states and localities more than others – would have far-reaching and long-last implications for states, communities, and our ability to best support Americans. The federal government’s attempt to add a question about citizenship to this Census is antithetical to its basic responsibility to protect and serve our country – this question would incite widespread fear in immigrant communities and greatly impair the accuracy of the Census. Simply put, we cannot afford for anyone to be left out. We look forward to presenting our position to the Supreme Court.”
In January 2019, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, ruled in favor of the New York Attorney General’s Office in a lawsuit to block the Trump Administration from demanding citizenship information in the 2020 Census. The United States Supreme Court will be hearing the case in April 2019. The initial lawsuit was filed in April 2018. New York is leading a coalition of 18 states, 16 local governments, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors in this case. The multistate and local government suit was consolidated with a case brought by multiple non-profit groups.