Attorney General James Vows to Fight President Trump’s Efforts to Defund U.S. Postal Service and Undermine Elections
AG James and Other State AGs Will Soon Bring Legal Action
to Stop President Trump’s Authoritarian Efforts
NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement in response to recent reports about President Donald Trump’s efforts to interfere with United States Postal Service (USPS) operations in advance of the presidential election:
“President Trump’s actions to interfere with the operations of the U.S. Postal Service in advance of the presidential election is deeply disturbing. It is an attempt at an authoritarian power grab in an effort to hold on to power, plain and simple. I, along with numerous other state attorneys general from around the nation, are now swiftly examining every legal option to protect the postal service and Americans’ right to vote absentee. While the president works to disenfranchise voters, we will fight to protect our democracy and ensure every eligible voter has the opportunity to cast a ballot come November.”