Attorney General James’ Office of Special Investigation Issues Notification of Investigative Findings Regarding Investigation into the Death of Kent Edwards
NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James’ Office of Special Investigation (OSI) is today issuing a Notification of Investigative Findings regarding the investigation into the death of Kent Edwards, who died on December 14, 2023 following an encounter with members of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) in Manhattan. Upon completion of the investigation into Mr. Edwards’ death, OSI has concluded that a prosecutor would not be able to disprove beyond a reasonable doubt at trial that the officers’ use of deadly physical force was justified under the law. A final Investigation Report will follow.
About the Incident
On December 14, 2023 at 2:09 p.m. a detective with the NYPD Emergency Service Unit shot and killed Mr. Edwards in an apartment at 206 Eldridge Street in Manhattan. Mr. Edwards fired four shots at NYPD officers, striking two officers’ ballistic shields and grazing an officer’s ballistic vest. A firearm was recovered from Mr. Edwards’s hand after he was shot, and testing found his DNA on the gun. Recovered ballistics evidence showed that Mr. Edwards fired at least four shots.
Mr. Edwards was a suspect in a shooting that occurred on October 18, 2023. On December 14, 2023, the NYPD traced Mr. Edwards’ cell phone to 206 Eldridge Street. At 11:46 a.m. officers went to the address, where Mr. Edwards’s roommate told them Mr. Edwards was inside and armed.
Officers negotiated with Mr. Edwards while positioned outside the apartment door for over two hours and deployed electronic devices into the apartment to get a visual of Mr. Edwards. When officers entered the apartment, Mr. Edwards came out of the bathroom and fired at them. The detective then shot Mr. Edwards.
Incident Video and Evidence Photos
The incident was captured on the officers’ body-worn cameras.

NYPD ballistic vest with bullet hole.

NYPD ballistic shield with bullet holes.

Firearm recovered from Mr. Edwards.
Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Section 70-b, OSI assesses every incident reported to it where a police officer or a peace officer, including a corrections officer, may have caused the death of a person by an act or omission. Under the law, the officer may be on-duty or off-duty, and the decedent may be armed or unarmed. Also, the decedent may or may not be in custody or incarcerated. If OSI’s assessment indicates an officer may have caused the death, OSI proceeds to conduct a full investigation of the incident.
In cases where the evidence and legal analysis are clear and the investigation is complete, OSI may issue a Notification of Investigative Findings announcing the conclusion of the investigation. In such cases, OSI will issue the final Investigation Report, as required by law, at a later date.